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Frequently Asked Questions

At Viridian Wellness Studio, we are passionate about educating and empowering you to experience the benefits of Red Light Therapy. On this page, you’ll find answers to the most frequently asked questions about this revolutionary treatment.

We want to satisfy your curiosity about how Red Light Therapy works, the science behind its safety and effectiveness, and the many ways it can improve your health, appearance and confidence.

Discover how this innovative treatment can transform your life and start your journey toward becoming your healthiest, most confident self today!

  • What is red light therapy and how does it work?

    Red light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses red and near-infrared light to provide a variety of benefits, including:

    • Improved Skin Health
    • Fat Loss
    • Reduced Inflammation
    • Pain Relief
    • Increased Circulation
    • Improved Muscle Recovery
    • Improved Cognitive Functions and Mood

    Red light therapy works by delivering specific wavelengths of light to the body’s tissues. This light is absorbed by the mitochondria in the cells, which can help increase cellular energy production and improve overall cellular function.

    This process gives the body a better opportunity to heal and repair itself in a much more healthful way than traditional invasive treatments, which ultimately often work by creating damage.

  • What are the benefits of red light therapy?

    The benefits of red light therapy are countless. Here is a list of some of the positive outcomes:

    Skin Health

    • Increased collagen production, which can improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
    • Reduced inflammation, which can help with skin conditions such as acne and rosacea.
    • Improved skin tone, which can help reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation and age spots.
    • Reduced redness and swelling, which can help with conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
    • Enhanced wound healing, which can help with skin injuries such as cuts and burns.

    Body Image

    • Reduced cellulite: Red light therapy may help break down fat cells and improve circulation, which can reduce the appearance of cellulite.
    • Improved skin elasticity: Red light therapy may increase collagen production and improve skin elasticity, which can help with body contouring.
    • Reduced fat deposits: Red light therapy may help shrink fat cells and reduce fat deposits in targeted areas, leading to improved body contouring.
    • Improved muscle recovery: Red light therapy may help reduce inflammation and improve circulation, which can aid in muscle recovery and contribute to a more toned appearance.

    Pain Relief

    • Reduced inflammation: Red light therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation in various parts of the body, which can help alleviate pain.
    • Reduced joint pain: Red light therapy may help reduce joint pain and stiffness, making it a potential treatment option for conditions such as arthritis.
    • Reduced muscle pain: Red light therapy may help reduce muscle soreness and pain, making it a potential treatment option for athletes and individuals with muscle injuries.
    • Reduced neuropathic pain: Red light therapy may help reduce neuropathic pain, a type of pain caused by nerve damage.
    • Improved circulation: Red light therapy may improve circulation and oxygenation to injured tissues, which can help with pain relief and promote healing.


    • Improved memory: Red light therapy has been shown to enhance memory consolidation and retrieval, which can help improve overall cognitive function.
    • Reduced brain fog: Red light therapy may help reduce symptoms of brain fog and mental fatigue, allowing for improved focus and productivity.
    • Improved mood: Red light therapy has been shown to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, which can have a positive impact on cognitive function.
    • Enhanced attention: Red light therapy may enhance attention and alertness, allowing for improved cognitive performance in tasks requiring sustained focus.


    • Reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety: Red light therapy has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety in some individuals.
    • Improved overall mood: Red light therapy may improve overall mood and feelings of well-being.
    • Reduced symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD): Red light therapy may be an effective treatment option for individuals with seasonal affective disorder.
    • Increased feelings of relaxation: Red light therapy may promote relaxation and reduce stress levels.
  • How does red light therapy eliminate body fat?

    Fat cells are very delicate. When red and near-infrared light is absorbed through the skin, the mitochondria in our various cells essentially become super-charged.

    While this absorption of energy fuels surrounding cells, the fat cells cannot tolerate the physical excitement, and rupture under the pressure. Like a grape that sits too long in the hot sun, the outer membrane of the fat cell splits open, allowing the contents to leak out, emptying the fat cell of its lipids.

    Cells surrounding the fat area are unharmed, but rather they are stimulated to promote better health. Red light therapy not only removes unwanted fat, it rejuvenates the body simultaneously.

  • Are red light therapy and laser therapy the same?

    These two can be similar, but they are not the same. Red light therapy uses LED to emit red and near-infrared light to a general area whereas laser therapy is more targeted and can only treat a small area at a time.

    Depending on the strength of a laser (otherwise known as intense pulsed light or IPL), tissue repair may be induced by causing controlled damage to the skin or tissues. This therapy is oftentimes painful and/or uncomfortable.

    In contrast, red light therapy takes a more natural approach and is gentle on the body. The red light we use painlessly penetrates the skin and begins a healing process. This process essentially acts like superfood for the cells, energizing them to work more efficiently to promote growth or to heal and repair any damage.

  • Can I do red light therapy at home?

    Yes, there are many at-home red light therapy devices available on the market. However, it is very difficult to determine which of these products are actually effective, especially before you buy.

    Many device marketers falsely and illegally advertise their products as being FDA approved (red light therapy devices are FDA cleared, not approved). It is therefore possible that these devices may be ineffective.

    Red light therapy devices that are sold for home use are also very limited in their ability to treat many conditions. For instance, treatments for muscle and joint pain require enough energy and the proper wavelength of near-infrared light to have much of an effect.

    Likewise, only specialized medical grade red light therapy devices, which only exist in a professional setting, can offer fat loss treatments. Similar devices such as these are not available to the public for home use.

  • Is red light therapy similar to tanning?

    Similarities of red light therapy and tanning are that both treatments use light and will produce heat. However, red light therapy differs from tanning in many ways, most importantly by its health benefits.

    Our red light therapy treatments utilize three specific wavelengths of beneficial red and near-infrared light. These wavelengths provide for only positive changes in the body and will not create damage, burn or lead to harmful conditions.

    Conversely, tanning beds operate with UV light, which has been shown to cause a number of negative consequences such as most commonly burned skin, appearance of premature aging of the skin, damage to the eyes and melanoma (skin cancer).

  • Is red light therapy good for postpartum health?

    YES! Did you just welcome a new little bundle into the world? Congratulations! And are you still hanging onto some old bundle (of fat) that you’d like to unload? Call us!

    If you have excess fat, loose skin, stretch marks, scarring, body aches, cramping, fatigue, restless sleep, depression or ALL OF THE ABOVE, we got you!

  • What can I expect from my red light therapy treatment and how should I prepare?

    For your first appointment, you will meet with a red light therapy expert who will consult with you one-on-one to discuss your individual goals and customize your treatment to best suit those goals.

    Following your consultation, we will perform a full body composition analysis, red light therapy treatment and vibration lymphatic drainage treatment. Expect your first appointment to last 60 to 90 minutes.

    The 20-minute red light therapy treatment is performed while lying on your back on a massage table, the light pads will be applied directly to your skin, covering the target areas. Participants commonly describe their treatments as feeling very comfortable and relaxing.

    Following treatment, participants often feel a sense of calm and rejuvenation. Red light therapy provides a soothing warmth during the treatment. It is not generally considered hot and should never be uncomfortable.

    To achieve best results from your red light therapy treatment, prepare by hydrating before and afterwards and avoid heavy exercise and large meals at least one hour before each appointment.

    Keep in mind that we require direct skin contact for the treatment areas. Depending on the areas of treatment, you may choose to enjoy your treatment in loose clothing, undergarments or nude.

    Most importantly, we want you to be comfortable while getting the most out of your red light therapy treatment.

  • What type of red light therapy equipment do you use?

    Our high powered, medical grade device uses a pad light system to target the treatment areas. This system consists of several flexible LED light pads that wrap your body, and a semi-cylindrical mask that encircles, but does not touch your face.

    We do not provide treatments with a light bed (tanning bed style) or light panels since these devices tend to be incapable of performing fat loss.

  • Is red light therapy safe?

    Yes, red light therapy is considered safe for all body types and ages. Red light therapy was created by NASA in the 1980s and widely researched since.

    Studies done by the FDA, NIH and countless other laboratories over the course of 40+ years have encountered no harmful side effects or contraindications from Red light therapy.

    Approved by the FDA, red light therapy has been proven to safely and effectively treat innumerable conditions without any harmful side effects, discomfort or downtime.

  • Are there any restrictions for who can receive red light therapy?

    Red light therapy is safe for all ages, body types and skin tones. However, in the interest of safety and best practices, we cannot perform red light therapy treatment for individuals with:

    • Active Cancers
    • Liver or Kidney Disease
    • Pacemakers and Similar Medical Implants
    • Women Who are Pregnant or Breastfeeding
    • Anyone Under the Age of 18
  • Are there any side effects to red light therapy?

    Red light therapy is not known to cause harmful side effects.

  • How long does it take to see results from red light therapy and how long do they last?

    The length of time it takes to see results from red light therapy will depend on the condition being treated and your response to the therapy. Some people may see results immediately during the first session, while others may require several weeks of regular sessions.

    Key factors in the length of time it takes to achieve the desired fat loss include:

    • Hormone Levels
    • Stress
    • Sleep Quality
    • Circulation
    • Diet and Hydration
    • Exercise
    • Age
    • Medical Conditions
    • and Many More

    For weight management, results can be permanent. With regular check-ins during your appointments, our team will offer you our best tips and tricks to help get you to your goal quickly and stay at your goal forever.

    Whether you’re doing red light therapy for fat loss, pain relief or some other health concern, we want you to love your results for a very long time. Following your regular treatment schedule, we offer maintenance sessions on a custom basis so you can return as desired to continue feeling your amazing results.

  • Is fat loss from red light therapy permanent?

    Sadly, there is no such thing as permanent fat loss. Even patients who have undergone painful tummy tucks and liposuction have seen their body fat return. This is because the average human body has about 30 billion fat cells.

    When some of those fat cells are destroyed or removed by most other fat loss treatments, cortisol (the stress hormone that leads to weight gain) responds to a stress response created by the sudden fat destruction and will act to remedy the damage by preserving and increasing the volume of the remaining fat.

    Because red light therapy minimizes fat without destroying it, there is no stress response or increased cortisol as a result of the treatment, therefore fat dissipates rapidly and gradually without the threat of it creeping back quickly after losing it.

    Although an unhealthy lifestyle and some medical conditions can contribute to weight gain following any fat loss treatment, red light therapy has proven to be a more sustainable and long-term treatment, without increasing cortisol levels or encouraging weight gain in the future.

    With our red light therapy treatments, fat toxins are permanently removed from the body and remaining fat cells are discouraged from growing or filling the targeted treatment areas.